Exploring Curriculum as an Experience of Consciousness Transformation

eBook - Curriculum Studies Worldwide

Erschienen am 03.09.2019, Auflage: 1/2019
71,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9783030177010
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 0 S., 2.50 MB
Format: PDF
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


This book addresses the issue of de-spiritualization in education through an interdisciplinary lens. It draws on curriculum scholarship of Dwayne Huebner, Martin Heideggers interpretation of Platos allegory of the cave, Buddhism, theories and philosophies of quantum physics, and philosophical hermeneutics, among others. In doing so, the author identifies the relationship between spiritual truth and education and probes the nature of consciousness, self, and reality. On this basis, she works to explore curriculum as an experience of consciousness transformation vital to the essence and purpose of education and argues for reason with faith and faith with reason as well as the imperative of curriculum imbued with spiritual wisdom and lived experiences. 


Elise L. Chuholds an MA in Curriculum Studies from the University of British Columbia, Canada. Her doctoral research focuses on enriching curriculum theories with Buddhism, new biology and cognitive science, and philosophical hermeneutics. By this transdisciplinary inquiry, she hopes to scrutinize the practical aspect of consciousness transformation and articulate an understanding of curriculum as play. 


Part I Significant Issues Regarding Spirituality and Education.- 1. The Issue of De-Spiritualization in Education.- 2. Spirituality, Truth, and Education.- Part II The Nature of Consciousness, Self, and Reality.- 3. A Dialogue Between Buddhism and Quantum Physics.- Part III Consciousness Transformation.- 4. The Concepts and Process of Consciousness Transformation.- Part IV Curriculum as an Experience of Consciousness Transformation.- 5. Understanding the Nature of Consciousness, Self, and Reality.- 6. Learning to Appreciate Human Temporality.- 7. Cultivating Impartiality andBodhicitta.- 8. Becoming Responsibly Responsive.- 9. Cultivating Selflessness.- 10. Learning to Embody a Non-Dualistic Worldview.- Part V Conclusion Without Conclusion.- 11. The Metamorphosis and the Confounded Speech.

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